Why this blog?

Hi. I'm Susan, a textile designer, improv comedienne and all around sufferer of anxiety. A great way to curb my anxiety is by having a conversation with a friend. Unfortunately I don't always get to ride the subway with my friends...so I make new ones. Here are some stories about the people I meet.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


ARGH! My anxiety got the best of me tonight and I didn't take the subway home. I just couldn't do it alone. And now I hear my therapist in my head reminding me that I "can" do it I just chose not to. Ok, ok, ok. I CAN do it...i just didn't effing feel like it. How is that?! Sometimes $20 and a cab ride is all this girl needs!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, some people buy shoes, some people take cab rides. Do whatever you have to do to make yourself feel better. Personally, I go out to restaurants :)
