Why this blog?

Hi. I'm Susan, a textile designer, improv comedienne and all around sufferer of anxiety. A great way to curb my anxiety is by having a conversation with a friend. Unfortunately I don't always get to ride the subway with my friends...so I make new ones. Here are some stories about the people I meet.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


There are two reasons why I haven't written this week. First off, I haven't been talking to too many strangers on the train lately. The second reason is simple....some people are boring!

I have approached a some people over the last week and they all tentatively agreed to answer some questions. I got a lot of one word answers and a ton of strange looks. Hey, I'm a chubby, Jewish girl with glasses. Do you really think I'm a threat to you? But I get it...I'd be suspicious too if someone approached me about a subway blog.

But today I did meet David, 38, from Portland Oregon. He came to NY for the magazine industry. While riding the subway David likes to people watch. He says the subway and museums are the best places to people watch in the whole city. David's crazy subway experience intrigued me. According to him there was a homeless and deranged man riding a very packed subway. Every time the doors opened he would yell "NEXT STOP BAGDAD, NEXT STOP BAGDAD." Being that this was right around the beginning of our war with Iraq, David said it was a stressful train ride for everyone. I would imagine.

One last thought about it. David said the homeless man was deranged. Maybe he was. Maybe he was bat-shit crazy. But if he was totally insane wouldn't he have yelled something like "NEXT STOP POOPYVILLE" or "NEXT STOP MY ASS"? Seems to me like he knew exactly what he was doing.

1 comment:

  1. my friend once had a guy walk up to her on the train and threaten to kick her ass if she didn't stop texting on her blackberry. i think he was homeless, too, or appeared to be so. freaky!
